Neuschwanstein castle

 Neuschwanstein castle 

Neuschwanstein Castle 🏰 is the iconic Disney castle at the beginning at each Disney movie. It is a beautiful, storybook romantic castle perched on the mountains that border Germany. 

After a short uphill climb, the castle emerges into view. From below, it is spectacular. It is very grand, with white curling façades and amazing views of the incredible post card mountain range and tumbling waterfalls with pine trees 🌲 on either side. 

It belonged to King Ludwig the Second of Bavaria. The main residence for the Bavarian monarchs was in Munich, but the King felt the need to escape from the constraints he saw in Munich. He was in great admiration of the composer Richard Wagner. The King was kind, handsome and intelligent. He interacted and was kind to his people. Although he is often referred to as mad, we were told that he was likely eccentric. 

His palace reflects his personality, including a grotto inside the castle set up like a stage set and swans darning the walls everywhere, like the swans in the beautiful lake that he looked out on from the castle. The entire second floor was unfinished, as King Ludwig died suddenly of unknown cause. 


  1. wait what country are you in

  2. Haha sorry for not making that clear, that blog post was from Munich, Germany, but currently we are in Nice, France. I am very behind on my blog posts.

  3. Hey Lucy, we are in French right now and are looking at your website.
    From Annabelle, Jaida, Melandri, and Zoya

    1. Hey guys! Thanks for checking it put! I am actually in Nice now, but I have been a bit slow with my posts. Jaida, I have started reading To Kill a Mockingbird, upon your recommendation and it is really good! Miss you guys and hope you are having a great time in French!


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