
 Munchen in Munich

In Munich we explored the old and new German city. When we arrived at the hotel on the first night, we had many problems with things. First of all, the lights didn’t turn off, and we had to call someone at 9pm to come and fix them. Then, the aircon didn’t work, so we also had to call the man for that too. Then the food was way too expensive, and we got woken up at 3am to check if anything was leaking because there was a leak in the lobby and we were just above it. After the chaotic night, we caught the public transport to the Glockenspiel in Munich. Then, when the clock struck 12, the characters danced around in a sequence. After that we went for a stroll, though it was very windy. We saw some beautiful churches and architecture. We also passed the Hofbrauhaus, a famous beer and German cuisine chain which is all over Germany. We also passed a Ukrainian band who played beautifully and we stayed there listening to the music for ages. 

The next day, we had the buffet breakfast the provided and hopped in the hire cars and began to drive to Neuschwanstein. On the way, we went on the Autobahn which is a highway you can go as fast as you want and there are no speed limits. 🫣😬

(See my sightseeing post for more about Neuschwanstein castle) 

After the tour of the beautiful Neuschwanstein castle, we waited in a long long line to see it from the bridge. It was very cold, not the European summer we were hoping for 🤦🏼‍♀️, and the people in front were vaping, and as much as Gilbert loved the ‘lollies’ smell, the rest of us weren’t pleased. On the way down, we had yummy donut balls, and made our way to the lake. At the time, it was very cold so only Mum, Eleanor and I went in. The others were to scared 🙄or didn’t bring bathers, only raincoats. Which didn’t seem sensible on the outlook, but seemed very smart when we got there. Beatrice went in for a bit, but I stayed in the longest, of course, and was the only one in the water other than the swans 🦢. A guy came past and asked where we were from, and when we said Australia, he said ‘But it is hot there’, and looked at me in the water. 

On the way home we went to an epic playground, as we are doing the ‘playground ice cream’ tour of Europe. Then we went to a warm restaurant where we had a hearty traditional German meal. I had mushroom creamy soup with potato cakes on the side, and Gilbert had the same potato cakes but with apple sauce. The waiter was very friendly and gave us suggestions on which things to eat. We got some yummy German desert, apple strudel and a German pancake with raisins. Dad, Chris and Juli shared a beer 🍺, which was mixed with Coke and cherry liquor 🍸, which was the only way we could convince Dad to drink it. Then we all got drinks on the house, and I got apple fizzy non alcoholic cider and Dad and Chris and Juli had schnapps. When we got back, we said goodbye to Chris and Juli and then went to bed. 


  1. Apart from the dramas, hope you are having a great time! 🤣 How long are you there for/were there for Lucy?

  2. Thanks Gem, we are having a wonderful time! I’m a bit behind on my posts, we were there from the 6th to the 8th of August, so a week ago, and we are actually in Nice now! I will update the blog soon. How’s school? Have you had exams yet?

    1. Ahh no worries! Sure your busy having an awesome time! School is good, not the same without you! Exams are in a week 🤞


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